For those of you living under a rock, Colors CEO Raj Nayak and ace comedian Kapil Sharma had a war of sorts recently.
It all started when Kapil quit the popular Comedy Nights With Kapil and branched out into his own show on Sony TV (Read here: What’s happening with Comedy Nights with Kapil:-
Despite their differences, Nayak took to Twitter to congratulate Kapil on the latter's entry into Madam Tusaauds. Yes! Kapil is getting a wax statute later this year (Read: Buzz: Kapil Sharma’s wax statue at Madame Tussauds:-
Check out the Raj’s tweet here:
Congratulations @KapilSharmaK9
— Raj Nayak (@rajcheerfull) March 18, 2016
Kapil Sharma's wax Statue at Madame Tussauds - The Times of India on Mobile
Wow! That’s a gentleman’s attitude we must say!
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