Mumbai: We all love watching Meera Deosthale onscreen as Chakor in Udann (Guruodev Bhalla Productions). She looks dainty and amiable not only onscreen but off-screen too. And Meera has worked hard to achieve the standing in the industry she holds today.
Actors have hectic shoot schedules as they are constantly putting in arduous hours of work to bring out the best in themselves, much to the entertainment of their ardent fans. And so does Meera, who has somewhere compromised on her personal life to project Chakor to perfection on screen. We all want to spend some quality time with our family and loved ones after a long day of work, however, Meera has not been able to do so because of her shoot schedule.
So much so that her friends often complain of how she is not available to them.
Meera says, “My friends often complain that I don’t meet them as often as I should. Since I always pack up late, I mostly go to Nagori Dairy to have chilled masala milk with them and I love that. The place opens early morning by 5 am, which is very convenient for my schedule.”
We hope the pretty girl manages to find some free time for her friends and family.

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