MUMBAI: Ranveer Singh, who is one of the most popular Bollywood actors, is known for his work in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy and Rohit Shetty’s Simmba to name a few. He is also known for his energetic personality, sense of humour and offbeat fashion statements.
The actor is quite active on social media and regularly posts his pictures to treat his fans. For his latest picture, he wrote a fun caption. He wrote, “Checked my blood group. It was G+”. Well, there is no such blood group, the actor definitely knows how to get attention for the plainest and the most boring post, by just adding a spin to its caption. Soon enough, his fans started pouring in their guesses as to what G stands for. From Ganja to Gangsta, his followers had a variety of options to give.
Take a look below:
Checked my blood group. It was G+
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) November 29, 2019
Obviously it will be Ganja positive. Without having ganja nobody will do the stuff u do
— Himanshu Adwani (@Himanshurajesh4) November 29, 2019
G+ means = gangster
— Akshay Tadvi (@imAkshaytadvi) November 29, 2019
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