MUMBAI: Ranveer Singh, who is one of the most popular Bollywood actors, is known for his work in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy and Rohit Shetty’s Simmba to name a few. The actor is now gearing up for sports drama '83.
In addition to his acting skills, Ranveer is known for his witty side. He is one of the wittiest and most entertaining actors in the whole of Bollywood, and he does manage to prove that every single time. However, one might have also noticed how there is this different, considerate side to him, where he acknowledges people around him, be it the paparazzi who constantly click his photos everywhere, or the fans who never get tired of going around him, in the wake of photos.
And this time around, a lovely video of the actor from the airport as he was headed off to London has caught everyone’s attention. The actor seemed to be in a fun mood and so, he made it a point to treat his fans with a little something, and hence, he went on to wish a pap and clicked photos with him, sang happy birthday to him, and also hugged him. And apart from that, the real reason he caught everyone’s attention is when he hugged his bodyguard before jetting off.
Check out Ranveer Singh's video here:
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