MUMBAI: Ever since the demise of the Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, Rhea Chakraborty was in the news. The actress was questioned by the Narcotics Control Bureau, after a drug probe emerged during Sushant’s death investigation. And now, her statement to the NCB has been accessed by Zee News, which reveals some shocking details. In the chargesheet, Rhea Chakraborty has alleged that Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Priyanka Singh and brother-in-law Siddharth used to consume marijuana with the late actor and would even procure the drugs for him.
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The statement also reportedly reveals that Rhea confessed that Sara Ali Khan had hand rolled marjuana joints with her and she had smoked the same with Sara. Rhea had mentioned this in connection to a chat that took place on June 4, 2017. While NCB probed the drug nexus in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death cast, Rhea was arrested and was granted bail after 28 days. Her brother Showik Chakraborty was also arrested in the same matter and later let out on bail. After Sushant Singh Rajput passed away in June 2020, the actor’s father filed an FIR in Patna, accusing Rhea of abetment to suicide and even alleged financial irregularities to the tune of Rs 15 crore.
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead on June 14 at his Bandra apartment. Rhea had been staying with him through the lockdown but had left just a few days before the actor passed way. “I know you’re in a much more peaceful place now. The moon, the stars, the galaxies would’ve welcomed “the greatest physicist “with open arms. Full of empathy and joy, you could lighten up a shooting star - now, you are one. I will wait for you my shooting star and make a wish to bring you back to me,” Rhea had shared after the actor passed away.
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