MUMBAI: The current story of Kasauti Zindagi Kay revolves around Anurag's fight between life and death, while Prerna is making efforts to save him.
Finally, Prerna manages to bring him back to life.
Bajaj and Prerna unite, as the latter had promised to return to him and take over Sneha's responsibility.
However, Sharda is unable to digest Bajaj and Prerna's peaceful relationship and wants to separate them.
Sharda and Tanvi get a big clue about how Bajaj planned the Basus' destruction.
They use this against him.
Sharda plans to make Prerna believe that Bajaj's prime target was the Basuss destruction and not to marry Prerna.
Sharda wants to create ruckus in Prerna and Bajaj's relationship.
It will be interesting to see whether she succeeds.