The show has been focusing on Abhimanyu and Akshara’s fights. The same is happening due to the latter’s new joining. The two finally reconcile after a night of romance.
Dr. Avani is the new entrant in the Birla hospital, however, Harshvardhan and Manjari try hard to shut her mouth as Manjari wants to keep Abhimanyu’s adoption a secret from everyone and fears that Avni will reveal the truth
After Abhimanyu and Akshara’s wedding, Goenka family are all set to find a perfect bridegroom for Aarohi, however, Aarohi feels irritated with her marriage talks as she wanted to marry Abhimanyu and not someone else
The name of Dr. Avani Rathod has brought goosebumps to Manjari as the latter wants to hide Harshvardhan’s truth in front of the entire Birla family, however, in an emergency situation, some DNA tests have to be performed which brings shock vibes to Manhari
The show has been focusing on Abhimanyu and Akshara’s fights. The same is happening due to the latter’s new joining. The two finally reconcile after a night of romance.
Abhimanyu reads out the names of the guest list, however, Harshvardhan and Manjari get shocked to hear the name of guest doctor leaving Abhimanyu and Akshara surprised
Harsh soon comes back furious at Akshara as she was the reason behind Abhimanyu stepping into the cheap hospital. To his shock, Akshara takes a stand for herself and doesn't bear this humiliation.
Reality of Neil’s connection with Birla family leaves Akshara shattered, wherein Akshara takes a firm decision when Harshvardhan starts humiliating Neil in front of the entire family
Aarohi gets pissed off with Abhimanyu as she assumes that he wants to separate her from Rudra, and now she is all set to give a huge shock to the Birlas by exposing Neil’s truth