Shark Tank India has had its share of controversies since its launch in 2020. Some said the show was scripted while some founders accused the Sharks of not giving them their promised funds
The registrations for Shark Tank India 3 are now open since June 3rd and business enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and innovators, from all over India are invited to participate.
The program is an Indian adaptation of the original from the United States. It depicts business owners giving pitches to a group of sharks or investors, who determine whether to fund their enterprise.
The program is an Indian adaptation of the original from the United States. It depicts business owners giving pitches to a group of sharks or investors, who determine whether to fund their enterprise.
Shark Tank India Season 2 is one of the most successful reality shows on television and one of the reasons is that the Sharks have a great bond offsets and get along like a house on fire.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Tue, 05/30/2023 - 20:19
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Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Tue, 05/30/2023 - 20:19
Looks like this year it is going to rain Indian celebs left right and center. Another celeb who took the red carpet by storm is Shark Tank India’s former judge Aman Gupta.