The Queen actress recently received the prestigious Padma Shri as part of the Padma Awards on November 8, 2021. Soon after the actress took to her Instagram account and shared a special video message saying she is 'humbled for the great honour'.
Karan Johar and Kangana Ranaut’s feud made a lot of headlines. The filmmaker and the Bollywood actress have once again managed to grab attention because of their long-running feud.
The release date and the poster of the Kangana Ranaut’s movie Dhaakad is out, but it seems the fans are not so happy with the look of the actress, and here are the comments coming from the netizens
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Tue, 10/19/2021 - 12:02
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Tue, 10/19/2021 - 12:02
Buzz has it that Hollywood star Russell Crowe has amplified a fan's tweet, which reportedly asked him to do a movie with Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut. Read on...