The actor shared the disturbing news with his social media family and he warned everyone to be careful of the scam that occurs these days. Following Arjun's announcement to his followers, several online users left comments expressing their hope that Arjun would get his money back.
The actor has disclosed the steps he has been taking to address the situation. Concerns have recently been raised about Arjun's health. He plays the part of Shiv in Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya ShivShakti now.
Gaurav Chopra is one of the most loved and celebrated actors of the entertainment business . TellyChakkar got in touch with Gaurav and asked him what difference he can see in Bigg Boss Season 10 that he was a contestant of and in the current seasons of the show and has he left television for OTT and movies.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Wed, 03/27/2024 - 05:15
About Author
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Wed, 03/27/2024 - 05:15
Speaking with the well-known news source, Bijlani revealed that he had to stop filming midway through an intestinal ache he experienced on the sets a month prior. He disclosed that he slept in his vanity van and took some pills.
Recently the actor had a health scare when he underwent a surgery for appendicitis. The actor has now recovered and is back on sets of his current show Pyaar ka Pehla Adhyay Shiv Shakti after nearly 2 weeks of bed rest.