Previously, Mahua was worried that Meghla might meet Ranbir at the event. Chandan will call Mahua's decision irresponsible for not allowing Meghla to go for the event.
Previously, Chandan will tell Mahua that Guruji should decide if Meghla should go to the event or not as he is his teacher. Chandan will reveal that she could see insults on Guruji’s face.
Previously, Meghla tells Ranbir that she is ready to marry him. However, Ranbir feels that Meghla is simply showing him sympathy as he had a bad bike accident and refuses to marry her.
Previously, Arjun will ask Ranbir to join him for the singing event.
Guruji meanwhile will be worried for Meghla hearing that she is always sad and withdrawn.
Previously, Chandan promised Guruji that Meghla would join him at the singing event. Chandan will be very excited that Meghla will be singing between big singers.
Previously, Guruji will now speak about the event where Meghla is not able to go. But Guruji will tell Chandan that Meghla is not the one who declined going but it was Mahua.
Previously, Guruji will be distressed to hear from Sapna that she will not permit Meghla to go for the singing event with him. He will come to know that Adrija has something to do with it.
Previously, Mahua will tell Guruji that after what Meghla has gone through she doesn't want her to meet Ranbir once again. She will reveal that Ranbir too might come for the event which might not be good for Meghla if she sees him.