For the past few months, Salman Khan-led Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali has been in the news. The film earlier made headlines when the Dabbang actor was accused of replacing Arshad Warsi and Shreyas Talpade with his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma and Zaheer Iqbal.
Sonakshi Sinha is rumoured to be dating Notebook actor Zaheer Iqbal and will be next sharing the screen space together for the first time in 'Double XL'
Salman Khan's wedding has been a topic of national interest. His fans are desperately wanting to know when Bollywood's most eligible Bachelor will settle in matrimony. So as this fake picture with Sonakshi Sinha hit headlines, it instantly went viral.
However, recently wedding pictures of Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha went viral on social media. The truth is that the pictures are photo-shopped and Salman is still single. He shares a warm bond with Sonakshi Sinha, who he had launched in 2010.