MUMBAI: Actor Ajay Devgn took to social media and shared a special wish for daughter Nysa on her 17th birthday, and soon fans of Devgn and his wife, actress Kajol, were wishing the teenage girl, too. As a result, Nysa became a trending topic on Twitter all through Monday morning.
The actor shared a photo of himself along with Nysa and wrote: "Happy Birthday dear daughter. Wishing you every happiness today and forever. Stay home, stay safe."
The last line refers to the fact that Nysa currently resides abroad, pursuing higher education.
Commenting below the actor's Facebook post, a fan wrote: "Happy birthday Nysa. You should be like your Great father. Your Father one of the most Talented actor in the Industry."
Another fan expressed: "Happy Birthday lovely daughter Nysa.. Stay blessed and be the cute daughter of my favorite actor Ajay Sir and care your parents.... You are the dream for both of them and you will make them happy every day... Stay at home, enjoy the day."
Recently, Ajay Devgn took to Twitter to shut up rumours which claimed that his wife and daughter have possibly been tested COVID-19 positive.
The Bollywood star tweeted: "Thank you for asking. Kajol & Nysa are absolutely fine. The rumour around their health is unfounded, untrue & baseless."
Nysa is Ajay Devgn and Kajol's first child. The couple also have a nine-year-old son Yug.
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