Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who threatened to quit Twitter after losing followers earlier this month, met some officials from the micro-blogging site to understand the digital platform.
He says the working on the micro-blogging platform is very apparent.
"The Twitter team came from across the seas to visit me at work and to explain to me how Twitter works... Thank you," Big B tweeted late on Sunday.
"The truth of the working is so apparent," he added.
What do you think about Amitabh Bachchan?
On February 1, the cine icon threatened to quit Twitter, accusing the micro-blogging website of reducing his followers. That time, the fan following of Big B quickly dropped from 33 million to 32.9 million.
At present, his following is 33.1 million.
On the film front, the actor will be seen in "102 Not Out", "Thugs of Hindostan" and "Brahmastra".
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