MUMBAI: Boney Kapoor, a film producer, thought back on renovating his late wife Sridevi's family house in Chennai, where his daughters Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor now occupy rooms that used to belong to his brother Anil Kapoor and their parents. Sridevi drowned by accident in 2018 while accompanying Boney to a family wedding in Dubai.
The producer mentioned Janhvi and Khushi's early lack of visits to her family's Chennai home in his recent interview.
He said “It’s very close to my heart, and I’ve renovated the whole house to seduce the children to come and stay there more often. When she (Sridevi) passed away, and a year before that, the children weren’t very keen on traveling to Chennai, because they didn’t have friends there, and they’d grown up in Mumbai.”
According to Boney, “Only the living room was used, and our room was used, but the rest of the rooms were locked. When rooms are locked, they get spoiled by moisture, so the entire house has to be redone. The ground floor was fine, but the first floor and guest block had to be renovated. Sri and I had made the guest block back in the day for Anil, Sanjay, our sister, and our parents. The rooms are all there still, but now Khushi and Janhvi have their own space now.”
Boney claimed that he now feels as though he is residing with Sridevi when he visits the Chennai home.
He said, “I have fond memories of time spent with her there, even before marriage, when I was courting her, I recall where I used to sit and look at her. The vibes are still there.”
Fans were given a tour of the Chennai property by Janhvi last year. She displayed her bedroom and said that Sridevi forbade her from locking the door because she was concerned that she would be speaking to boys in there. Additionally, Janhvi displayed a "memorabilia wall" that featured images from her parents' "secret wedding."
She said, “This is mom and dad’s marriage photos. I think this was some sort of a secret wedding which is why they seem so stressed. I don’t know if I was supposed to say that.”
Also read: Must read! Boney Kapoor breaks silence on the delay of Ajay Devgn's Maidaan
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Credits - The Indian Express
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