MUMBAI: According to the latest media reports, Urvashi Rautela's Facebook account has been hacked. Celebrities are said to be easy targets when it comes to cybercrime. Not just social media trolling, many celebrities have also become a target of hacking in the past. From stars like Abhishek Bachchan to Karan Johar and Shruti Haasan, many celebrities have faced the situation when their social media accounts have been hacked. Now, the latest one to fall prey to cybercrime is Pagalpanti star Urvashi Rautela. She recently took to Twitter to announce that her Facebook account has been hacked.
As some explicit content showed up on Urvashi's Facebook wall, the actress took note of it and warned her fans about the same. She asked her fans to not respond to any of the messages sent through her FB account and even tagged Facebook for the same. She tweeted, "My Facebook has been hacked please don’t respond to any messages or post as it is not done by me or my team
@Facebook @facebookapp."
However, it was Mumbai Police who responded quickly. The official Twitter handle of Mumbai Police responded to her saying, "We have forwarded your complaint to Cyber police station." Urvashi replied saying thank you. We hope her account gets restored.
My Facebook has been hacked please don’t respond to any messages or post as it is not done by me or my team @Facebook @facebookapp
— URVASHI RAUTELA (@UrvashiRautela) April 24, 2020
Thank you !! Now hacker is asking for lot of money ‼️
— URVASHI RAUTELA (@UrvashiRautela) April 25, 2020
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