MUMBAI: Under the visionary leadership of Bhushan Kumar, T-Series artist Vishal Mishra's song Pehle Bhi Main from the film Animal has claimed the #1 spot on the year ender 2024 in India. Amassing 322 million+ streams, it also gained 260 million+ views across YouTube, the track also maintained an incredible 19-week streak on charts, making it the only song to do so this year.
Composed by Vishal Mishra and penned by Raj Shekhar, directed by Sandeep Vanga, the song continues to resonate deeply with listeners. Its performance highlights its emotional depth and timeless appeal, resonating with listeners across the nation and leaving a lasting impression.
The soul-stirring melody and poignant lyrics of Pehle Bhi Main struck a chord with audiences, making it a modern classic. Its blend of heartfelt emotion and cinematic appeal beautifully complemented the themes of Animal, further enhancing the storytelling of the film. The track’s universal relatability and captivating composition cemented its place as a timeless favorite, inspiring countless covers and fan renditions online.
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