MUMBAI : The Episode starts with Monisha telling Nethra that the human shall not be proud, if it doesn’t wipe off then the person gets wiped off. Jassi hits on Nethra’s head with the rod. Nethra faints and falls down. Jassi asks Monisha to call her sister and says she will take you down, and asks if she has bridal clothes. Monisha says I told you that I don’t do anything without planning, and says I have. She says her pride/ego shall break today. Jassi says it is broken. Poorvi and RV are hugging and crying. Poorvi sees Diya. Diya says sorry, I disturbed you, but I came to tell about Kashish and Nethra. RV asks her to say. Poorvi asks if Nethra has done something, that Kashish went from here. Diya says Nethra has manipulated Kashish and told all lies. She says first she asked Kashish to refuse for marriage, then threaten and scared then, and also kept knife on her neck. RV says Kashish doesn’t seem to be afraid. Diya says because Nethra played victim card and said that we all have done wrong with her, and played victim card, she also said that she is pregnant with Jiju’s baby. Poorvi is shocked. RV says what is happening, she is very pregnant. Poorvi says Kashish agreed too? Diya says yes, and Kashish is feeling that we have done injustice with Nethra. She says Kashish is my friend, but Diya has failed our plan in minutes. RV says nothing can be done now, Nethra will marry me.
Deepika brings Monisha there in veil. Diya says why Nethra is in veil. Deepika tells that Pandit ji asked her to bring bride in veil. She asks RV to come and says this has to happen. Vaishali asks Harleen, why we are here, and says we tried RV’s marriage shall not happen with her, but it is happening. Harleen says she has to see her son’s life ruining. Vaishali says even she is upset. Deepika brings Monisha there in veil. RV and Poorvi also come there. Vaishali sees the veiled bride and thinks she doesn’t seem to be Nethra. She tries to see her face. RV and Monisha sit on the mandap. Poorvi and RV look at each other. Song plays….RV recalls their moments. Vaishali thinks who is seated with RV in the mandap, I shall enquire, she doesn’t seem to be Nethra. She asks Pandit ji if she shall get ghee, and falls down to see the bride’s face. Monisha tries to hide her face and smiles. Vaishali is shocked to see Monisha. Nethra gets semi consciousness, sees Jassi’s face and closes her eyes. Jassi keeps her in the cupboard, and then ties cloth on her mouth, and ties her hands too.
Monisha is happy that she is getting married to RV. She should be here before Poorvi, but finally she is getting married, and she shall not get caught, she will say that she married RV just to save him from Nethra. Vaishali tells Harleen that she wants to tell her something. Harleen asks if there is some problem? Vaishali says Nethra is not seated with RV in the mandap. Harleen asks if this is her ghost. Vaishali says Monisha is under the veil. Harleen is shocked. Vaishali says she fell down intentionally and saw Monisha there. Harleen asks what nonsense, RV and monisha’s marriage. Deepika sees them talking and asks her to come with her.
Harleen asks why did you bring me here. She says Vaishali was telling me something. She asks if you knows about it. Deepika says atleast Monisha is marrying him, he is saved from Nethra. Harleen asks why? Deepika praises Monisha and tells that I am proud of my sister, she is doing this to save RV. She says Poorvi just talks big, but she doesn’t do anything. Vaishali agrees with her and asks how did she convince Nethra? Deepika says she made her unconscious and says she has risked her life. Harleen says RV and Monisha’s marriage? Deepika tells that RV and Poorvi are divorced now, and it is fine that Monisha is marrying RV, and says we also wanted this, and says God has found this way. She says if RV had married Monisha then he wouldn’t have seen this day, and says nobody can love RV like Monisha. Vaishali says surely.
Nethra gains consciousness and finds herself in the cupboard. She thinks Monisha must have done this and might be in the mandap to marry RV. Pandit ji asks RV and the bride to hold each other’s hand and pray to God. They put the flower together. Pandit ji asks Poorvi to bring pure ghee. Poorvi says I will bring. Diya asks why you are going to bring it, and asks why you want to make things easy for them. Poorvi says Media is there. Diya says we have to delay the marriage, to get time to think. Poorvi says we shall get the Mandap matka fall down, and says abshagun will happen and the marriage will stop. Diya says perfect.
RV sees Harleen, Vaishali and Deepika coming. He wonders where they were, and why Bhabhi and Chachi are smiling. Monisha thinks if the marriage can’t happen without ghee, and hopes the marriage happens fast. RV thinks what is happening, they are smiling and Poorvi is helping, and thinks what I can tell her, this trouble came because of me, she tried to save me. He asks why you are doing this? Monisha thinks if I tell then you will know that I am under the veil, if I say and you ask where is Nethra then? She thinks Pandit ji shall get the marriage done asap.

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