The quirky world of television is full of stars, starry mood swings, the rat race for the stellar roles and lots more...
<strong>Sonal-Shakti part ways</strong>
The quirky world of television is full of stars, starry mood swings, the rat race for the stellar roles and lots more...
<strong>Mihir-Shilpa split</strong>
<strong>No Ekta: Jaya & Resham</strong>
Ekta Kapoor is frantically looking for someone to play Meenakshi- the torrid past of Vikram Kapadia, Mukul Dev and Riitu Raaj- in her latest thriller K.Street, Pali Hill which has rolled quite well so far. Jaya Bhattacharya and Resham Sheth have refused the role. Reason? They don't want to play 50 plus! Any takers?
<strong>Prachee quits 'Kyunki...</strong>'