Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal who was last seen in the biopic Sardar Udham will next be seen in a never before seen avatar in the upcoming film Govinda Naam Mera. The film that was earlier supposed to be released in theaters will now have an OTT release.
<p>Makers of Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan starrer Laxman Utekar’s romantic film decided to release directly on the streaming platform Netflix and have fetched a good deal of Rs 70 crore for the same</p>
<p>The couple got married in December last year at Fort Six Senses, Banwara. They did not have a grand party with a guest-list comprising the biggies and instead went for an intimate but still lavish wedding ceremony.</p>
<p>In the ceremony, Deepika got to present the award to Ranveer, which only made his moment more special. In a previous interview with a magazine, Vicky Kaushal talked about the great influence that Katrina has had in his life and how he considers himself fortunate for having a life partner in her.</p>