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Thu, 08/08/2013 - 17:47

Handsome lad Ayaz Ahmed, who is currently seen as Raghu in Life OK’s Do Dil Ek Jaan, is not a brand conscious guy but is mostly comfortable wearing shorts and T-shirts.
In a chat with, Ayaz shares his fashion mantras. Read on…
Fashion is: Fashion for me is to be stylish and being comfortable in what I wear.
Who chooses your clothes? Sometimes I do or else it is done by my roommate Anachi who is a very good stylist. He knows very well what will look good on me and accordingly chooses my clothes.
Do you wear accessories? I am not an ‘accessories’ person. I love wearing sun glasses and that too an Aviator of the Ray Ban brand. On certain occasions, I also wear a watch.
Do you follow any brands? No not at all. I am from Kolkata and people from the city being very simple don’t believe in showing off.
Favourite shopping destination: Dubai and Malaysia.
Most expensive buy: My Zara suit that cost me 48k.
Clothes you are comfortable in: I am comfortable in shorts and T-shirts.
Must-have in your wallet: I don’t carry money but do believe in plastic money that is credit/debit cards. Other than such cards, I also carry a bandage in my wallet.
Favourite perfume: I don’t buy perfumes as I always get them as a gift.
Colour that fills your wardrobe: Grey, black and blue.
Describe Sale in one word: I don’t shop during the sale period as then, shops are overcrowded and frankly speaking, to me discount really doesn’t matter.
Currently your wardrobe is overflowing with: With Boxers. Earlier I had cartoon boxer shorts which are out of fashion now, but
these days I like to wear those of strips and chequered designs.
You have hardest time getting dressed for: I never take time to dress up.
Any fashion disaster you have come across recently: I can’t think of it right now.
If you had to choose a fashion era, which period will it be? I loved the look of the 60s; it was so classy and elegant. I loved
the bell bottom pants, long collar and hairstyle.







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