MUMBAI: Shivam Trivedi is an Indian YouTube content creator and digital entertainer who has crossed the mark on a million and is on his way to grow his YT family. Shivam is known for his TV roast and its very hard for you to be TV lover and having missed Shivam's content on YT.
Delhi-born Shivam Trivedi is a full-time YouTuber is a family-friendly roaster who learnt to deal with copyright strike the hard way. “For a content creator, copyright strikes do affect mental peace as well as your flow to work. There were some genuine concerns like a show that I used to roast did not want their content to be played, which is understandable. Thankfully, after a few setbacks, I knew my way,” excerpts Shivam.
Shivam initially started with animation videos when he was in eighth class and it was during his engineering days that he got back to making videos. While he was about to join a company through campus placement, it was his viral roast on Rakhi Sawant that made him a YouTuber forever! Today Shivam's latest video is trending at 18 in India and is only growing.
Due to sheer hard work, Shivam bagged The YouTube Creators Award - The Golden Play Button - after he garnered one million followers on the platform. He beams, “That shiny thing in my room motivates me to do better each day.”
Making every minute count:
Talking about his late-night work routine, he adds, “My sister is probably the best critic and well-wisher. Those 3 am talks with her are wonderful. We have bonded so well in the past few years that it has made me see the talent she possesses. Now it is my time to help her, as she has started a YouTube channel of her own. I also have a second channel called ShivamThinks, which is growing too.”
The unique thing about Shivam’s videos is that they do not hit below the belt or have cuss words. He adds, “I work hard but at the same time, I do take off days. It is okay to not force yourself to work. For example, I mostly work at nights and have just one place in my room where I ideate.”
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