MUMBAI: The news of techie Atul Subhash’s tragic death in his apartment in Karnataka's Bengaluru on December 9, left the nation shocked. He left behind a 24 page suicide note alleging harassment by his estranged wife and her family through legal cases for ‘dowry harassment’. On this actress Rinku Ghosh shares her concern. She says,”It is really sad what happened with Atul Subhash. The agony is, laws which are made to protect women, are being taken advantage of by some women. There are many Atuls who are suffering without any fault under fake dowry or rape cases. Being a woman I totally condemn this act upon innocent men.”
Rinku also shares her take on gender equality, ”Today we talk about gender equality, but where is equality here? Many people are not aware that even men can ask for alimony from their wives if she is earning under Hindu Marriage Act. To me Divorce or Alimony should not be seen as a way of earning by any partner. I feel cases should have be handled according to law. There should be fair trials. Due justice should be served. I feel feminism has been wrongly used in this case. Sadly women are seeing alimony as easy money. I just hope and pray Atul Subhash’s family get the justice they deserve.”
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