Sony Entertainment Television’s Indian Idol ‘Season 11’ has already made it big impressing all. The star-studded judge panel includes acclaimed names like Anu Mallik, Neha Kakkar and Vishal Dadlani. This year’s theme of Indian Idol ‘EK Desh EK Awaaz’ is breaking all stereotypes and celebrates diversity in its true sense. This week Indian Idol got its top 10 contestants. This week the renowned composer duo Ajay Atul came to support the contestants.
After a cut to cut race to maintain their position in Indian Idol. This weekend Indian Idol season 11 finally got its top 10 . The competition from this moment would become more intense as all the contestants would be fighting to keep their position in tacked. The audience witnessed scintillating performances by the contestants . The contestants are all set to give their soul for their upcoming performances as from now the competition would become more tough. The audience should get ready for more musical nights as Indian Idol’s Top 10 would be making sure that their voters doesn’t get disappointed.
The top 10 contestants are Ridham Kalyan from Amritsar, Sunny Hindustani from Bhatinda, Rishabh Chaturvedi from Amritsar, Jannabi Das from Delhi, Chetna Bhardwaj from Delhi, Azmat Hussain from Jaipur, Shahzaan Muzeeb from Aligarh, Rohit Raut from Latur, Kaivalya Kejkar from Nagpur,Adriz Ghosh from Kolkata
Stay tuned and watch Indian Idol season 11 every Saturday and Sunday at 8 PM only on Sony Entertainment.
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