MUMBAI: The Kapil Sharma Show 2 recently saw Ajay Devgn as a guest. The actor didn't spare the comedian and questioned him instead for not following 'sabbka saath sabka vikaas'.
During the episode, Kapil shared with the audience how talented Ajay was. He counted that the actor was into acting, production, voice overs, direction and also mentioned that he owns a few theatres.
Kapil asked Ajay if he has made a motto for himself 'apna saath, apna vikaas' instead of 'sabka saath, sabka vikaas'.
Quick-witted that Ajay is known to be, he asked Kapil that he has completed so many episodes in the second season, but did he let anyone come there? This made everyone laugh out loud. Ajay said that he should be the one thinking about other people's 'vikaas'.
Archana Puran Singh added to the fun by saying that Kapil takes away a majority of what they make through the show and they get very little. Kapil jokes 'loot lo, aa jao sab'. He said that he now has a daughter to look after.
When Kapil repeated that 'ek bachi ka baap hun, ghar bhi chalana hai', Ajay warned him when his daughter would see these episodes after growing up, she won't spare him and say, 'mere paida hote hi mere naam se bheekh mangne lag gaye'.
Credits: TOI
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