MUMBAI: Amitabh Bachchan, who is hosting Kaun Banega Crorepati 11, is all set to celebrate his 77th birthday on 11 October this year. And the preparations for the veteran actor’s big day have already begun. Recently, Big B got a special gift on the sets of the show which left him emotional.
In a promo shared by Sony Entertainment channel, Big B will be shown a special video comprising of pictures of his most cherished memories from his childhood and younger days. The 26-second video will feature his pictures with his late parents Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan.
In the video, Amitabh Bachchan is seen getting teary-eyed as he misses the presence of his parents. In the background, the veteran actor admitted that the video made him emotional as it displayed the unseen pictures of his parents.
Take a look below:
Mr Bachchan was overwhelmed when a surprise gift brought back cherished memories. Watch #KBC11 and celebrate our beloved Mr. Bachchan's birthday with us on 11th October at 9 PM. @SrBachchan
— Sony TV (@SonyTV) October 8, 2019
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