MUMBAI: Sony Entertainment Television’s Indian Idol ‘Season 11’ has already made it big impressing all. The star-studded judge panel includes acclaimed names like Himesh Reshammiya , Neha Kakkar and Vishal Dadlani. This year’s theme of Indian Idol ‘EK Desh EK Awaaz’ is breaking all stereotypes and celebrates diversity in its true sense. Upcoming weekend the top contestants would be performing for some very special guest. The theme for next weekend is sweet 16 where elderly people would be joining the stage to support our top contestants.
After Jannabi’s terrific performance on the song “ Aap jaisa koi” made everyone dance with her . Few couples came on the stage and danced while Jannabi sang . Seeing Jannabi’s pefromance even Aditya and Neha Kakkar joined the stage and showed their great dance moves. Both were dancing as they have rehearsed before. Their fabulous salsa dance moves impressed everyone on the sets of Indian Idol season 11.
Stay tuned and watch Indian idol season 11 every Saturday and Sunday at 8PM only on Sony Entertainment Television.
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