MUMBAI: Actor Prabhneet Singh, known for his nuanced performances, takes on a truly intriguing role in the latest thriller series produced by Harsh Mainra, Prabhneet Singh and Jyoti Chauhan under the banner Versatile Motion Pictures Swipe Crime on Amazon MX Player. Playing CCD, a character from a large joint family, Prabhneet offers a refreshing portrayal of innocence mixed with underconfidence. He describes his character as someone who is always the favorite at home, yet remains hesitant and low-key in real life, much like many of us.
In an exclusive interview, Prabhneet shared his thoughts on the name of the series, Swipe Crime. Initially, he thought the title hinted at a crime thriller, but as the series developed, he realized there’s much more to it. The show delves deep into the world of social media and dating apps, exploring their darker sides. Prabhneet agrees that with the rise of online fraud and fake profiles, Swipe Crime is a timely and relevant story, resonating with today’s generation.
Prabhneet connects with his character CCD on a personal level. "I relate to his positivity, his love for motivational quotes, and his quiet, thoughtful nature," he says. His portrayal of CCD will strike a chord with audiences who identify with the character’s underconfidence and aspirations. In today’s world, where many people stay in the background while pushing forward, CCD represents the unsung heroes of everyday life. As Prabhneet puts it, “People like CCD are the true heroes of their own lives.”
While Swipe Crime explores the negative effects of dating apps and social media, it also highlights the complexity of these platforms. Prabhneet believes the show will make viewers think critically about their own online interactions. With a stellar cast and a gripping storyline, Swipe Crime is bound to leave an impact. As Prabhneet says, “Picture abhi baaki hai!”
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