The contestants of Bigg Boss Nau on Colors have been busy with the newly assigned hotel task wherein the visitors, Sargun Mehta, Andy and Ali Quli Mirza will bring in more entertainment.
Now, it is for the contestants who are part of the staff team, to do all the duties to please the guests…
Yes, the Bigg Boss will want ‘double trouble’ in every way possible.
During the hotel task, Sargun, Mandy and Rishab will be asked by the Bigg Boss to push the staff to the edge…
And Sargun will choose to try her hands at Rimi… and test her patience level… And the task given to Rimi by Sargun will surely stun one and all…
We hear that Sargun will ask Rimi, who has always been with full make-up to shed her make-up for once and show her real self to the contestants…
And when everyone in the house would assume Rimi to yet again be a tough nut, refusing to complete her task, Rimi will decide to surprise others in the house.
As per reliable sources, “Rimi will oblige to shed her make-up, and will do so and pose before the contestants and ofcourse, Sargun.”
Wow, isn’t it interesting?
Sargun we believe, also will have a compliment in store for Rimi, as she will tell her that she is in fact standing out in the race, and that nobody will vote her out of the house…
Here is a look at Rimi sans her make-up.
Kudos to Rimi for doing the ‘unpredictable’…
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