Star Plus’ popular show Diya Aur Baati Hum (Shashi Sumeet Productions) will now give its loyal viewers a ‘dhamakedaar’ twist woven around the Republic Day celebrations...
Well, Sandhya (Deepika Singh) is now on her next mission, and will be seen going to Pakistan for a summit meet happening between India and Pakistan. On going there, Sandhya will get to know that it is impossible to hoist the Indian flag in Pakistan on the Republic Day.
So from here will begin the new challenge for Sandhya. And she will proclaim that she will at any cost hoist the Indian flag in Pakistan on 26 January, which happens to be India’s Republic Day.
Of course, Sandhya will have lot many hurdles to pass in achieving her goal. And as reported in media, popular actor Deep Raj Rana has been roped in to essay a terrorist in Pakistan. And Sandhya will have to face the terrorist next, before bringing back glory to her country.
Will Sandhya succeed in hoisting the India flag?
We tried calling Deepika but did not manage to get her on the line.
Get ready for this patriotic fervor in your favorite show...
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