MUMBAI: Actress Shrutika Arjun has become everyone's favorite after her Bigg Boss 18 stint. While netizens still feel that she should have emerged as the winner of the show, Shrutika is busy spreading happiness and positivity all around. Recently, she spread festive cheer among her fans by sending warm wishes for Lohri, Makar Sankranti, and Pongal. Taking to her Instagram handle, Shrutika shared a heartfelt video where she greeted her followers with a special message. In the video, she enthusiastically said, “Hi all of you, Lohri di lakh lakh vadiyaan. Yes, Happy Lohri and Happy Sankranti. Happy Pongal. All of you, enjoy!”
The festive message was not just confined to the video. In the caption of her post, Shrutika wrote, "May this year begin with a lot of sweetness and positivity! 🥰," further conveying her wishes for a joyful and prosperous start to the year.
Shrutika Arjun's vibrant and cheerful spirit shone through as she celebrated these harvest festivals. Her million-dollar smile in the video further won everyone's hearts. Her thoughtful words resonated with her fans, who appreciated the warm greetings, especially during this time of festive celebrations.
Fans of Shrutika Arjun were also quick to respond to her post, filling the comments section with gratitude and festive wishes of their own. "You are so sweet," one of the fans wrote. Through her video and caption, the actress not only spread festive joy but also encouraged her audience to welcome the year with optimism and sweetness.
Lohri, Makar Sankranti, and Pongal are important festivals celebrated with great enthusiasm in different parts of India. Lohri marks the end of winter and the arrival of the harvest season, while Makar Sankranti and Pongal celebrate the harvest and are associated with joy, togetherness, and community festivities. By sending her heartfelt wishes, Shrutika Arjun connected with her followers, reminding them to embrace positivity and happiness in the new year.
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