MUMBAI: Shubhi Joshi, the vibrant and charismatic contestant from Splitsvilla and Roadies, recently celebrated her birthday in style at the luxurious Glass House in Malad West. The intimate gathering was attended by her closest friends from the reality TV shows, including Jashwant Bopana, Akriti Negi, Sachin Sharma, Rishabh Jaiswal, Justin D'Cruz, Sakshi Shrivas, Divyansh Pokharna, Himanshu Arora, Deepak Kalra and Entrepreneur Abhay Prapani
The birthday celebration was filled with laughter, love and unforgettable moments. Shubhi's friends made sure to make her feel special on her big day, showering her with gifts and warm wishes. The group enjoyed cutting the cake together, taking selfies and reminiscing about their time on Splitsvilla and Roadies.
Shubhi Joshi expressed her gratitude towards her friends for making her birthday so memorable. "I'm overwhelmed with love and gratitude. These people have become my family, and I'm so lucky to have them in my life," she said.
The birthday bash was a testament to the strong bonds formed during their time on the reality TV shows. Despite the competition and challenges, Shubhi and her friends have maintained a strong connection, supporting each other through thick and thin.
As Shubhi Joshi embarks on another year of her life, her friends and fans wish her continued success, happiness and fulfillment. With her infectious energy and charming personality, Shubhi is sure to conquer new heights in the entertainment industry. Here's to another amazing year, Shubhi!
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