MUMBAI: The episode begins. Kartik is excited to meet Naira ahead of the Sangeet ceremony. He eagerly looks forward to meeting Naira and steals some moments out of the busy schedule. A while later, Kartik, who has planned a surprise for Naira, ends up feeling embarrassed after seeing Vedika. However, as Vedika goes inside, he tells Naira that he isn't afraid of professing his love for her and can go gaga over her. And Vedika, who secretly overhears their conversation, feels hurt.
Little later, when Naira and Kartik chalk out a plan for the ceremony, they realise that Vedika isn't comfortable. Hence, they ask her to participate in the discussion. Meanwhile, the Goenkas, who had gone to the temple, return with sacred threads for Naira and Kartik. And when Vedika sees Kartik and Naira tying the holy thread to each other, she again feels hurt.
Soon Vedika gets a call from Akshara’s Dance Academy and Naira tells the family that they thought of hiring Vedika as their Creative Manager. Later, Kartik begins to teach the men of the family the choreography for the sangeet. He sneaks in a kiss on Naira’s cheek while he takes a break. Naira goes to quickly give him a peck too while he rehearses. Later, Suhasini brings Naira’s mother’s lehenga for her.
Naira tells her that it is her mother’s last memory which she wants to cherish at her wedding. Suhasini asks her to keep the lehenga near the temple as she will perform a veneration on it before giving it to her. Soon, Naira also rehearses with the ladies. Kairav puts on skates to play and Vansh suggests him that they should ask Kartik to have snow world as the theme so that they can ice skate. Soon, Suhasini sees Vedika trying to douse Naira’s lehenga that caught fire.
She scolds Vedika and Naira cries as her mother’s last memory burns. Suhasini berates Vedika and tells her that besides the sentiments that Naira had attached to the lehenga, it is also a very bad omen for her wedding lehenga to get burnt. Vedika listens to her and doesn’t say anything. Kairav and Vansh comes there and Kairav tells Suhasini that they might’ve caused the fire as he had pushed the temple while playing.
They apologise to everyone and relive Vedika of the accusation. Vedika apologises to Naira as she could’ve saved her lehenga if she had seen it earlier. Swarna acknowledges how Vedika didn’t blame the kids so that they don’t get scolded. Suhasini accepts that she misunderstood Vedika and asks her for forgiveness. Later, Kartik teases Naira and tells her that she wouldn’t fit into her mother’s lehenga anyway. Naira gets annoyed but Kartik tells her that he meant to say that he would always be with her no matter what happens.
As Kairav and Vansh practice their dance, Kairav stands up on a chair and begins to dance. Vedika notices him but till she gets to him, Kairav falls form the chair. Suhasini looks at Vedika with resentment. Naira and Kartik console Kairav and he stops crying. He tells everyone that they should have Mom vs Dad as their sangeet theme. Everyone agrees but Naira and Kartik begin to argue in who’s team would Kairav be.
Kairav smartly runs away by making up an excuse of using the toilet. Later, Vedika comes to inform Naira about a conflict in the Dance Academy. She tells her that the parents of the child want to talk to her personally. Naira decides to go to the academy to solve their problem and Vedika accompanies her. But they see the usual road blocked due to some repair work. Naira wonders if she would reach the sangeet on time if she takes the longer route.

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