On Colors Infinity’s new homegrown show, Vogue BFFs, Deepika unmistakably revealed the key to her heart! On being asked, “Three qualities that a man must have to date Deepika Padukone”, she shared, “He has to be funny, he has to be tall and he has to be a good human being”. Looks like she inadvertently revealed what she likes about Ranveer Singh too, didn’t she?
And while she was at it, she also revealed who her current biggest celebrity crush is and not just that, she also told the host, Kamal Sidhu, about her first kiss!
When Kamal asked her who she was crushing on right now, she said, “Cliched, but true, Bradley Cooper”! Don’t roll your eyes yet, because if Ranveer wasn’t in the picture, Deepika could totally go and get him with her charm and wit!
Kamal then jokingly asked what she’d say to Bradley Cooper, if he was to come here, she said that she’d tell him, “You’ve come to the right place”. Ahem ahem!
Ranveer must remember that there are other tall, funny and good human beings besides him and she is a woman in demand!
When she was asked about her first kiss, Deepika shared that her first kiss must have been when she was a toddler! Who? Her parents, of course! What a smart way to dodge the question.
Catch Deepika share all this and more in the all new show, Vogue BFFs, only on COLORS Infinity this Saturday, 24th September at 9 PM.

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